I find my deepest understanding of love and human interaction comes through reading scripture; I find it fascinating to see how God works. This hymn portrays spiritual growth distilling like Dews from Heaven as we internalize wisdom, love and healing found in God’s word.
This piece is written for SSAATB choir, flute and piano. Arrangement for standard orchestra is also available, and will shortly be uploaded to this site.
As the Dews from Heaven
In the stillness of my chamber, in the quiet of my soul, I will lay Thy word before me, let my heart grow still. Then with joy, the light of the gospel shall distill upon my soul as the dews from heaven.
As I turn the sacred pages and I pray to see thy plan, I will come to know thy glory, behold thy mighty hand! Then the guiding light of the gospel shall distill upon my soul as the dews from heaven.
When my heart is filled with anger, lost within the dark of night, I can search for Keys of Wisdom, set free by the God of Light! Then the healing power of the gospel shall distill upon my soul as the dews from heaven.
~William T. Stephenson, 2018