Still Water Sits with SSA, SATB & TTBB Versions

A young girl watches as her father is taken away, perhaps on a slave ship, her pain contrasting with a beautiful sunset reflecting on still water. With time, even the flight of an insect in and out of her bedroom window leaves her daydreaming for his return. Her mother’s hope grows more distant.

This piece is available in multiple versions (SSA, TTBB & SATB) in A-A-B-A form. The piano accompaniment is very approachable.

Full music available in the above downloads as PDF files. You may listen to computer generated renditions of all three versions below. In the SATB version, the lyrics are sung by “Cantamus” as computer generated voices. In the SSA and TTBB versions, lyrics are sung as ‘Ah’ as a standard MP3 file. I am looking for a quality choir to perform all three versions and would love to obtain a good recording to accompany this webpage.

SATB Version MP3 File (“Cantamus” version with AI Singers singing the lyrics):

SSA Version MP3 File:

TTBB Version MP3 File (With voices singin “Ah”):

Composer: WT Stephenson
Created: Mar 2024



still water sits beside me now, languid and empty. light upon the prow, shimmering reflection, red in the sun. I see his face withdrawing, withdrawing


the azure light, reflecting ray. sails full and pulsing, steal his smile away.  scattering my vision, blinded by sun, I see his hand withdrawing, withdrawing.


golden its wings, lights upon my hand. dancing out my window, never mine again, following the dawning day. can you tell me where they have taken you? Father Sunrise, when will you fly me home and take my hand? where are your golden wings dancing out my window into the sunrise? I need help to find my way home. so please, please give me golden wings and fly me. your wings can fly me home.


in dead of night, my momma’s cry, languid and empty, sightless eyes held tight. what has hope neglected? pulled from the sun, through cold numbness I feel the warmth of his love withdrawing, withdrawing.

Duration: 5:30