Reflections on a Journey with Cancer (2024) is based on the 2nd Movement of Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G, with Lyrics by William T. Stephenson, MD, Medical Oncologist and Hematologist, about Living With and Growing Through Our Trials .
Program Note:
It has been my honor to share the Cancer Journey with thousands of wonderful people over more than 30 years as a Medical Oncologist. Now, I am a patient on this same path. While no two cancer stories are the same, many individuals have impressed me with stories of personal growth as they toil uphill, gaining greater insight or spirituality, sometimes after unanswered prayers left them feeling abandoned. A handful of patients shared they would not trade their diagnosis of cancer for anything in the world, that their trials brought them closer to their children, family, other loved ones or even to God. Many have shared a deeper understanding of a Higher Power in their life with a more focused view of what is important. While this piece will fall far short of exploring all the sentiments individuals facing mountainous challenges may experience, it is my prayer that some will be blessed by the growth and solace other travelers have found on their arduous trek, as expressed through Ravel’s masterful music.
Witnessing this Growth from a Field of Grief has brought me a deeper satisfaction than almost anything else I have every known. For those interested in the personal story of how this piece took root, please see the bottom of this page.
In this piece, Soloist-1 represents a person in distress and Soloist-2 represents a voice of inspiration. These Soloists may be either Female or Male. The Vocal Duet Version is simplified for just the Two Main Soloists and Piano. The All-Choir Version adds two secondary vocal soloists and SATB Choir. The Choir & Ensemble Version adds either a Winds or Strings Ensemble.
Listen Here:
All-Choir Version with AI Generated Vocals. Full Lyrics are sung by AI “Voices”:
Choir & Ensemble Version including chamber ensemble with Flute, Oboe and Bassoon. This MP3 rendition employs computer generated vocals sung without lyrics (ie, sung as “Ah”):
Please use the DOWNLOAD PDF buttons (above) for any of the 3 Full Scores or the Parts and Choir files.
The Story of How This Piece Came to Be: While snowshoeing on Mount Timpanogos in 2023, I lamented my inability to musically capture a certain experience I see with many Oncology patients. These friends start hopeful, falter when their path becomes steep and treacherous, and then gain deep insight through their sufferings — irrespective of whether the outcome is what they initially hoped. Sometimes this is personal growth. Sometimes it is the building of important relationships. Sometimes it is deeper spiritual understanding. I was just above the Bonneville Shoreline Trail when Maurice Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G Major came over my earbuds. It was like a light went off. Here was the music I had been trying to write for years, beautifully tracing this Cancer Journey start-to-finish, including the veritable voice of God (or inspiration) just before the close of the 2nd movement. Lyrics flowed easily as I listened. In 2024, I rearranged the music to be accessible to smaller groups. The original version includes a Chamber Ensemble of Woodwinds or Strings and follows Ravel’s original closely. I wrote a simplified version for Choir and Piano, and also an even simpler version to be sung as a Duet. I encourage you to listen to this piece, follow the Lyrics, and then share your thoughts with me. If anyone knows a Choir who could be interested in performing Reflections on a Journey with Cancer, please let me know at: .
On smaller screens you will find the Lyrics at the very bottom.
A good way to envision this piece being performed is to view Ravel’s original Adagio assai performed live. Here is a video of one live performance.
SCENE 1, Foothills below a large mountain
dear God, bless me with life
oh, how I need thee
mountains of fear do stand before me now
hope and heaven seem so far, far from my heart
the gathering gloom dims my way and I can’t see how my life will be
how I thirst to be strong for those I love, who yearn for my care!
SCENE 2, A steep path with night falling
oh God, my faith is failing
taught at my mother’s knee that I should trust thee but in my darkest hour of need I feel so all alone
please make tomorrow known
I’ve walked thy path
my heart obeyed thy word
I’ve done my part, so please, please send me life today
this rocky crag is no place for the weary send me life, oh please send me life today
SCENE 3, A rugged mountain pass
oh, how I thirst!
I feel deserted and abandoned as I trek this path uncharted
I feel the pain!
how can you watch me walk alone
while I endure the agonizing sight of failure?
how I dream for your quiet answer to prayer!
where were you when I trusted?
oh, how I dream for quiet answer to my prayer where were you when I trusted?
oh God, oh God
how many pounding footsteps must I endure along this narrow path before you will hear my prayer?
SCENE 4, A high mountain meadow
Dear One, hearing your prayer, know I am near you
I hear your plea and feel your anguish
I will suffer with your pain so you can see that through your grief you gain sight
and in your eye, a new gentleness
greater kindness through the love you give to those who yearn for your care.
freely receive! you’ll never thirst!
so please, drink from my stream, Dear One
Living Waters flow like mountain streams above, the Living Waters flow -- Living Waters flow to me
Living Waters flow to me
~ WT Stephenson, M.D., 2024 ~