La Abeja Zumba for A Cappella Divisi Choir


“Zumba” is simply a fun, bouncy, buzzing word. La Abeja Zumba (The Bee Buzzes) is a song for children, exploring the beautiful humming, bouncing and buzzing sounds of Castilian Spanish from the perspective of a bee, darting unpredictably from flower to flower, exploring the world around him. Lyrics evolve entirely for the pure enjoyment of the sound of each word. Lyrics are about bugs, birds, fall leaves, mountains and enjoying beauty in the world we all share. Written for an advanced choir, this piece should bounce and be fun. If the child within each one of us enjoys this song, you will have succeeded.

The current download is for the updated (2024) version which simplifies the piece for SATB Divisi Choir.

This MP3 file uses truly amazing Artificial Intelligence from Cantamusproviding a convincing imitation of a choir singing (about bugs!) in Spanish. There are minor differences between this AI version (2022) and  the current version (2024, below). However, since this song is all about the bouncing, popping sounds of the lyrics, it gives the best idea of how a live performance will be interpreted.

This MP3 is Computer-generated, with “Ah” sounds instead of the the actual lyrics. It includes simplification changes for the current update.

Composer: WT Stephenson
Created: Jan 2024

La abeja Zumba (The bee buzzes). Se huye (He darts). El saltamontes salta (The grasshopper hops) Y la mosca zumba (The fly buzzes too).

Te quiero (I love you). Mirá el cielo (look at the sky) que regalo a ti (which I give you). Quiero besito (I hope for a kiss) del viento a mí (from the wind). Mirá el vuelo (Watch the flight) del azulejo (of the bluebird), Y la grandeza (And the grandeur) de la montaña (of the mountain). Te llevo, Amor (I carry you, My Love).

Mundo bello (Beautiful world). Qué bello otoño está (How beautiful fall is). La hoja en el otoño (The leaf in fall), Amarillo (Yellow), o la hoja roja (or the red leaf), Qué roja está (How red it is)! El mundo (The world), qué bello está (how beautiful it is).

[Last verse like the first, with the following additions]:

La típula no zumba (The cranefly doesn’t buzz). La cucaracha (The cockroach)! El mundo lindo (The beautiful world) alrededor de mi (all around me).

Duration: 3:30