As We Reach Out In Love A Hymn on Fasting

I wrote this hymn as a submission for new music for the LDS church in 2019.  The church has a long tradition of asking members to fast for 24 hours, or two meals, once per month, and to give the money they might have used for their food as a “fast offering” to help those who are poor or needy.  Isaiah outlines these principles nicely in Isaiah chapter 58, upon which I base this hymn.  Isaiah’s promises are beautiful, and motivate me to be more charitable.  I also used text from Matthew 25 (the parable of the sheep and the goats), and text from two talks on this subject (Jeffrey Holland and Henry Eyring) as I wrote the lyrics.

Synthesized MP3 file:

Composer: William T. Stephenson
Created: Mar 2019
Duration: 3:30